Education & Trainings

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In response to the educational challenges in Syria, SRD is actively addressing the issue by providing vocational training to beneficiaries and essential education to humanitarian aid workers in health, protection, and early recovery sectors. With 2.4 million children out of school and an additional 1.6 million at risk of dropping out, education remains a critically neglected sector, carrying both short-term and long-term implications for Syria’s youth, aspiring workforce, and those compelled to become primary breadwinners due to the conflict, particularly women and children.
This initiative recognizes the urgency of the educational crisis and is committed to the continued provision of informal education. It also introduces more formal initiatives aimed at training and equipping individuals with the tools and resources needed to overcome challenges in both the short and long term. By addressing the educational needs of beneficiaries and aid workers alike, the effort strives to contribute to the resilience of individuals affected by the conflict, paving the way for a brighter and more sustainable future. Join us in empowering minds, nurturing skills, and building a foundation for lasting change.