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Donation Total: $10 One Time

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Donation Total: $10 One Time



Community Centers + Child-Friendly Spaces


services provided


Mental Health Initiative




General Hospital


Maternity Hospitals


Trauma Consultations


Hospital Admissions


Major Surgeries


Minor Surgeries


Vaginal Deliveries


Cesarean Deliveries


Physical Therapy Center


services provided

Dialysis Facility


services provided

Tuberculosis (TB) Center


patients treated








cases transported


Referral Desks


Cold Case Vehicles


cases transported

Primary Health Care

Adonsectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum consequat fermentum sodales. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed nec efficitur ipsum. Curabitur non blandit velit. Donec sed hendrerit dui. Fusce id faucibus lorem, non sollicitudin nunc. 

Secondary Health Care & Specialized Services

Adonsectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum consequat fermentum sodales. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed nec efficitur ipsum. Curabitur non blandit velit. Donec sed hendrerit dui. Fusce id faucibus lorem, non sollicitudin nunc. 

Emergency & Referrals

Adonsectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum consequat fermentum sodales. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed nec efficitur ipsum. Curabitur non blandit velit. Donec sed hendrerit dui. Fusce id faucibus lorem, non sollicitudin nunc. 

Sexual & Reproductive Health

Adonsectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum consequat fermentum sodales. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed nec efficitur ipsum. Curabitur non blandit velit. Donec sed hendrerit dui. Fusce id faucibus lorem, non sollicitudin nunc. 

Arian Seromthing – Something – too pixelated to see

$4,099 of $20,000 raised

Ambulance & Medical Referral System

Our Ambulance and Medical Referral Network faces critical challenges as the grant funding has expired. Without it, the consequences will be dire: 1. Overwhelmed Hospitals:  Without our network, hospitals and…


Ambulance & Medical Referral System

$4,099 of $20,000 raised

Our Ambulance and Medical Referral Network faces critical challenges as the grant funding has expired. Without it, the consequences will be dire:

1. Overwhelmed Hospitals:  Without our network, hospitals and healthcare facilities will face an increasing burden in providing healthcare services for cold cases, leading to delays and inadequate care for patients.

2. Limited Access to Care: Patients with disabilities and chronic illnesses, such as kidney failure, will find it difficult to access healthcare centers without our ambulances, hindering their chances of receiving timely and appropriate treatment.

3. Shortage of Ambulance Services:  The cessation of 24 ambulances from operation will create a severe shortage in the region, affecting partner organizations’ ability to respond to emergencies promptly.

Your donation can be a lifeline for those in need, and with your support, we can achieve the following:

Continued Healthcare Access:  Your contribution will help us maintain the ambulance fleet, facilitating medical referrals for patients, ensuring they receive timely and appropriate care.

Enhanced Care for Vulnerable Individuals: With your generosity, we can ensure that patients with disabilities and chronic illnesses receive the specialized transportation services they require to access healthcare centers without difficulty.

Sustained Relief Efforts: Your support will keep the Ambulance and Medical Referral Network running smoothly, alleviating the burden on hospitals and partner organizations, and ensuring a coordinated response to medical emergencies.

How You Can Help: Join hands with us in this crucial mission of saving lives and providing healthcare services to those in desperate need. Every contribution counts, no matter the size. Here’s how you can make a difference:


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Donation Total: $250 One Time

$1,075 of $30,000 raised

Back to School – Sponsor University Students

Help students in Syria return to school after over a decade of war, natural disaster and destruction. High school graduates are unable to find opportunities to pursue higher education, and…


Back to School – Sponsor University Students

$1,075 of $30,000 raised

Help students in Syria return to school after over a decade of war, natural disaster and destruction.

High school graduates are unable to find opportunities to pursue higher education, and over 2.4 million students are unable to attend school at all. An entire generation’s growth, as well as Syria’s development, is at stake.

Education is a right, not a privilege.

Students who were forced to stop their education are now able to resume their studies at the International University of Science and Renaissance (I-USR), a private, nonprofit, hybrid online/campus-based university.

Help address the essential need for higher education as well as developmental education and training in Syria.

Education plays a vital role in any country’s growth and development, and it is one of the most underfunded sectors in the Syrian response. Health and Medical Sciences, Computer Information Engineering, Economics & Business Administration, and other vital topics are among the 20 undergraduate degrees offered.


Your donation to I-USR will allow displaced Syrian students to continue their education, earn a degree, and build their future, as well as the future of Syria. Your help is greatly appreciated.

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Donation Total: $100 One Time

$239,669 of $250,000 raised

Urgent Emergency Earthquake Response in Turkey and Syria

UPDATE: Thanks to your out pouring of support we've surpassed our first two goals, and have now increased our goal to $150,000.  Two massive earthquakes, measuring 7.8 and 7.7 on…


Urgent Emergency Earthquake Response in Turkey and Syria

$239,669 of $250,000 raised

UPDATE: Thanks to your out pouring of support we’ve surpassed our first two goals, and have now increased our goal to $150,000. 

Two massive earthquakes, measuring 7.8 and 7.7 on the Richter scale have hit Northwest Syria and Turkey in the span of a few hours. The epicenter of the first was in Gaziantep, where SRD’s Turkey country office is based.

SRD’s first responders are on the ground, our 20 ambulances have been deployed to serve those critically injured. Several hospitals in the region have been impacted by the earthquake, including Jandaris hospital.

As communities who have been responding to the crisis are now affected,  we need your support to continue delivering life-saving services.

Your donations will support medical care, fuel for our ambulances, shelter, and food desperately needed in the area.

Please donate today.

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Donation Total: $100 One Time

$2,357 of $20,000 raised

Humanitarian Crisis in Northwest Syria

Northwest Syria has been burning for years, Intensified Attacks and deadly airstrikes continue. Civilians continue to forcibly flee their homes and lose their lives. Over 2 million have fled their…


Humanitarian Crisis in Northwest Syria

$2,357 of $20,000 raised

Northwest Syria has been burning for years, Intensified Attacks and deadly airstrikes continue. Civilians continue to forcibly flee their homes and lose their lives. Over 2 million have fled their homes and are displaced in camps, including 500,000 children.

More than 113 schools were completely destroyed affecting more than 191,233 students. And more than 67 health facilities, including our Pulse of Life and Al Ferdous Maternity and Child Care Hospitals were completely destroyed.

SRD is providing primary health care services, chronic disease surveillance, psychological support, medicine, shelter, clean water, and nutritional baskets.

As of January 1, 2020, Syria Relief & Development has delivered over $90 million in aid to over 11 million beneficiaries. With over 1,200 staff on the ground in Syria, our brave aid workers have delivered humanitarian care amid conflict and continuous attacks on civilians, hospitals, and schools.

The SRD family remains hopeful for a permanent peaceful solution to the violence in Syria and we continue to bring necessary and life-saving services to Syrian men, women, and children who continue to face the most severe forms of suffering. Massive displacements, volatile security, and a shortage of food, water and housing continue to plague these individuals.

They need our support to survive. Your donation funds lifesaving medical care, shelter, and basic human necessities.

Please donate today and give them hope.

مئات الآلاف دفعهم الخوف من الموت للرحيل عن منازلهم وترك حياتهم وذكرياتهم حاملين آلامهم وأحزانهم نحو المجهول.

بدون أدنى مقومات الحياة افترشوا الأرض، غطائهم السماء، قوتهم الأمل ودواءهم الدعاء.

تقف الأمم عاجزة عن مساعدتهم، متروكون لمصيرهم المجهول في ظل برد قارس وشتاء قاسي، في ظل هذه الكارثة الإنسانية والعجز الدولي، لن نقف مستسلمين فالقليل منا ومنكم هو الكثير لهم.

حسب مصادر الأمم المتحدة أكثر من مليون نازح في شمال غرب سوريا كواحدة من أكبر موجات النزوح في تاريخ البشرية.

عشرات الآلاف يرتصفون الشوارع في هذا البرد القارس.

عشرات الآلاف يعيشون في خيم عشوائية غير مأهولة وغير مجهزة.

مئات الآلاف من أهلنا لايزالوا يطوفون المدن والقرى بحثاً عن مأوى.

مئات الآلاف يقطعون مئات الأميال دون غذاء.

عشرات الآلاف بحاجة للمساعدات الطبية والأدوية

لتكن مساعدتك مهما كانت بسيطة مفتاح أمل يُزرع بداخلهم، يحميهم ويرسم بعض البسمة على وجوه أطفالهم.

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Donation Total: $250 One Time

$1,340 of $3,000 raised

Food Security

Food is scarce for Syrians due to both the price and the country’s supply. The situation is considerably more dire in areas under siege. Due to the significant cost of…


Food Security

$1,340 of $3,000 raised

Food is scarce for Syrians due to both the price and the country’s supply. The situation is considerably more dire in areas under siege. Due to the significant cost of raising animals, many Syrian families do not have access to meat.
SRD’s food security programming strives to ensure optimum health, growth, and development for families, particularly children, by addressing Syrians’ urgent need for basic necessities and access to nourishing food.

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Donation Total: $250 One Time

$660 of $92,500 raised

Tents and Temporary Shelter for Earthquake Victims

Many survivors of the earthquakes have been displaced from their homes and are now living in temporary shelters or camps. They lack even the most basic necessities, including non-food items…


Tents and Temporary Shelter for Earthquake Victims

$660 of $92,500 raised

Many survivors of the earthquakes have been displaced from their homes and are now living in temporary shelters or camps. They lack even the most basic necessities, including non-food items that are essential to their survival and dignity. That’s why we’re asking for your help to provide NFI kits to those in need.

Our NFI kits include essential items like blankets, clothing, and hygiene products. They are designed to help survivors endure the harsh conditions they face, and to help restore some dignity to their lives. With your donation, we can provide NFI kits to those in need, and help them to begin to rebuild their lives.

Join us in our efforts to provide 500 NFI kits to families in need.


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Donation Total: $64 One Time